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Winners of CRA Repair & Refurbishment Commendation Award

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Beton Bauen in partnership with Fosroc were shortlisted for the CRA Repair & Refurbishment Award 2020, for joint work on a new weir, located in Newbridge, South Wales.

The Concrete Repair Association (CRA) shortlisted three projects for the CRA Repair & Refurbishment Award with the winners being revealed in November 2020. Beton Bauen is proud to announce that (along with project partners, Fosroc) we were winners of a special award commendation.

The awarding body determined that this project showed a unique ability to address the complexity of the environment and provide a solution to reinstate the structure in a short timescale, thereby reducing the risk of being exposed to flood water.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, there was no actual ‘live’ Concrete Society Awards 2020 event, however you can find further information and the eventual winners by visiting

Delivering in Challenging Work Conditions

Beton Bauen in partnership with Fosroc were contracted to reconstruct a new weir at a location on the River Wye, in Newbridge (Powys). The project involved reconstruction of a concrete gauging weir in a somewhat challenging environment, with a flowing river and the constant risk of rising water levels.

The conditions and location of the weir presented several challenges for the project. These included working in a 'live' river, with pumps and cofferdams in place that were at risk of being swept away due to the unpredictable flow of the River Wye.

Unpredictable weather conditions during the project also presented an increased risk of sudden water level rises in the river. This minimised the periods of time in which works could be carried out.

For further project and service information, please visit WWW.BETONBAUEN.COM.



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